ACK!!: FRESH FREE FCC ONE-TO-ONE RULE WEBINAR NEXT WEEK (tuesday)!!!: The Czar is Joining Up With eVocalize And You Cannot Miss It

All right, so everyone is talking about my big article yesterday providing answers to everyone’s frequently asked questions about the FCC’s new One-to-One rule.

Confused About the FCC’s New One-to-One Consent Rules– You’re Not Alone. Here Are Some FAQs Answered For YOU!

Well what better way to follow up on the momentum here than to have a FREE sit down with a monster of industry– eVocalize CEO Mathew Marx– to dive into the nitty gritty of the new rule.

Now I have certainly put out a bunch of content on the subject to date but people STILL have questions and as the date for compliance creeps up on us it really is time to roll up our sleeves and start diving in.

This all leads up to Law Conference of Champions— WHICH IS NEXT MONTH!!!!– but you still can’t miss the latest here.

Get your questions answered. Actionable. Critical. Real. Authoritative.

Stop guessing. Stop being misinformed. Get it from THE Czar directly– next Wednesday, June 18, 2024 at 10 am pacific!!!!


Chat soon.

And see you next month!!


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