REPORT ABUSE!: With Key Conferences Behind a Quick Reminder That HELP Exists If YOU Were Mistreated at an Industry Event!

Leadscon was really amazing this year.

Not just an opportunity to catch up with folks but really a great chance to gauge the pulse of the industry–and right now the heartbeat of leadgen is compliance. More so than ever before.

We call this the “Troutman effect” of course.

You remember 5 years ago when I first started preaching compliance to this group– it fell on deaf ears, or worse. Many folks called me a “fear monger.” Refused to receive the good word.

But now, everyone’s ears are open and the industry is actively trying to course correct. And I am going to take 100% of the credit for the change.

Like the missionaries of old, I have converted the masses to the light…

Matters are much the same I think when it comes to the treatment of women in the industry– we call this the “Amin effect.”

Since Puja came on the stage women in the industry have been much more active and vocal about advancing women within digital marketing and advertising and keeping the ecosystem fair. Indeed, several groups sprung up riding the momentum that she created.

We saw how powerful her following is in our recent spat with MEF— magazine out this week BTW, be ready–but her influence really permeates the lead generation industry with so many women looking up to her and considering her something of an icon.

Most important among her contributions was the creation of the “Report Abuse” button on the Troutman Amin, LLP website, however.

There women (and men) can report abuse or mistreatment they suffered at a conference and get whatever level of help they need. If someone wants to make an anonymous report–just so there is a record of the event and perhaps to help someone else from suffering the same fate–you can do that. If you want assistance seeking counsel or other forms of support, we can provide that too.

This is an absolutely FREE service of Troutman Amin. We do NOT take on these sorts of cases and never make a penny on any sort of referral here. We just want to help people to be taken care of in a world that can be pretty scary sometimes.

And TRUST ME we HAVE made a difference. I can’t discuss details but people HAVE lost their positions over reports that have been made on our website and we HAVE protected others from suffering similar fates. It is a VERY powerful tool–but only if it is used by people impacted by abusive or inappropriate conduct.

The button is easy to find and easy to use. Just visit and you will see it up in the righthand corner. Its red. Click it and you will be taken to an easy-to-use flow where you can submit as much (or as little) information as you are comfortable with.

Always here to help folks.

With love.


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